List of Indian states with demographics and other details

All about India India is a beautiful country in South East Asia. It is the seventh largest in size and comes at the second place in population in the world. There is a lot of diversity in every aspect of this country, whether you talk about the climate, geography, culture, religion, people, languages complexion, music, eating habits or any other field. Following Charts intend to provide a deep insight about my place ‘India’ as per 2011 census. Name India Flag Currency Rupee ( `) Area (km 2 ) 3,287,240 Population 1,210,193,422 Population Density (per km 2 ) 382 Rural Population 833,087,662 Urban Population 377,105,760 Number of Males 623,724,248 Sex Ratio (number of females per 1000 males) 940 Literacy Rate (%) 74.04 82.14 Life Expectancy (years) 67.46 Number of...