Most Evil Men and Women in the History

25 Real Monsters

Though, it seems irrelevant to prepare such a small list of monsters in the long history of world, since the toll still continues with an increased rate. Still I have tried to do so by picking some deadliest people of history, who had an appetite for torturing and killing people. These mass murderers were so evil that they were considered punishment from god, whose death became a day of celebration for most of the population of the world.

The purpose of this list is to shake you if you are sad about your condition. At the end of this list, you’ll know that you still have a lot to be happy and celebrate.

Queen Mary I

Years Active       -     July 1553 to November 1558
Gender                -     Female
Place                    -     London
Nicknamed as    -     Bloody Mary
She was               -     The Queen of England & Ireland
Known For         -     She was a sadist ruler who was dissatisfied for all her life. During her rule, she violently imposed Catholicism on all the people under possession and anyone who protested was either burned at stakes of was killed by other ways. Hundreds of people were dragged from their homes during night and were burned alive together. Most people who were against her were forced to run and leave the country.
Death Toll          -     Unknown
End of Terror     -     People were relieved of her in November 1558 after her death.


Years Active       -     37AD to 41 AD
Gender                -     Male
Place                    -     Ancient Rome
He was                -     3rd Emperor of Ancient Rome
Known For         -     He Killed and tortured for fun. He sacrificed lacks of animals to celebrate when he sat on throne. Once he got brain fever and after that he thought that he was god. He ordered that the torture should be slow and last for many hours or days until the victim dies. He forced every girl he saw to agree to have sex with him and slept even with his three sisters. He forced people to give their wives to him to sleep with. He killed a lot of children and forced their families to watch the execution.
Death Toll           -     He killed lacks of people just for fun.
End of Terror     -     A man named Cacius Chaerea killed him in 41 AD


Years Active      -     54 AD to 68 AD
Gender                -     Male
Place                    -     Ancient Rome
Nicknamed as    -     Antichrist
He was                -     5th Emperor of Ancient Rome
Known For         -     He burnt several cities and was known for hating Christians, because of which he killed lacks of followers of Christianity. He even killed each and every member of his family including his mother wife and x-wife. He liked to boil people alive in hot baths.
Death Toll           -     Most population of Rome, leaving a few lacks of people
End of Terror     -     He committed suicide in 68 AD when he felt that his life was in danger.

Attila the Hun

Years Active       -     434 AD to 453 AD
Gender                -     Male
Place                    -     Hunnic Empire (from Ural River to Germany and Danube River to Baltic sea)
Nicknamed as    -     Attila the Scourge of God
He was                -     The leader of Hunnic Empire
Known For         -     He thought that the lives of other people are worthless. He eat his two sons and it is believed that he drank women’s blood. He wanted to destroy Rome and was ready to kill everyone who comes in his way. He was such a devil that people considered him the punishment from God.
Death Toll          -     About a million
End of Terror     -     He died in 453 because of natural causes

Genghis Khan

Years Active       -     1206 to 1227
Gender                -     Male
Place                    -     Mongolian Empire
He was                -     The King of Mongolian Empire
Known For         -     He was a ruthless ruler who loved war. He killed everyone who was his enemy or was disloyal to him. He even killed his brother at the age of 13 years because he stole a fish from him. He raided various cities and his men killed everyone who came in his way. It is said that his army didn’t have water so they drank blood. It is said that his army killed almost 700000 people in just one raid.
Death Toll          -     about 60 million people (30% of the known world’s population)
End of Terror     -     He died natural death in 1227


Gender                 -     Male
Place                     -     South Asian countries
Nicknamed as     -     Timur Lung
He was                 -     Founder of Timurid Empire
Known For          -     He was a wicked conqueror who invaded a large number of places during his lifetime. He is also famous for ruthlessly looting and destroying the religious buildings and forceful conversion of religion. He was more a dacoit than a king who not only conquered the places but also killed most of the population of the region. He with his army was like a ruthless cyclone which destroyed everything in its way.
Death Toll           -     20 million people
End of Terror      -     Natural death in 1405

Gilles de Rais

Years Active       -     1433 to 1440
Gender                -     Male
Place                    -     France
He was                -     A French Soldier who fought with John of Arc
Known For         -     He was the serial killer of poor children who came to his house for begging food. He tortured, and killed the children in the name of sacrifice. The darkest part is that he also had sex with the dead bodies of the children.
Death Toll          -     Though the real number is not known, but it is estimated that he killed almost 500 to 600 kids
End of Terror     -     He was executed by hanging and burning in 1440

Elizabeth Bathory

Years Active       -     till 1610
Gender                -     Female
Place                    -     Hungary
Nicknamed as    -     Countess Dracula & Blood Countess
She was               -     A countess from a prestigious and extremely rich family in Hungary
Known For         -     Elizabeth Bathory had 4 minions who assisted her in the ruthless torture and murder of young servants from the village who worked in his mansion. She did all these things in the name of punishment. She punished her servants especially female ones for very small and ignorable crimes by beating, nailing their hands, burning their sexual organs and making them bleed to death. She is said to have bathed in blood. She thought that blood of young girls on her skin would keep her young and beautiful forever. Her crimes were so lethal that she was named as countess Dracula. There were hundreds of witnesses and evidences against her, but she was preserved by the influential post of her husband who never visited the house and died in 1604, after which she was caught in 1610.
Death Toll          -     Though the family members of the victims were able to prove only 80 murders, one of the survivors of her fort claimed that she killed more than 650 girls.
End of Terror     -     Her fort was investigated in 1610 and her crimes were proved. Because of her high social status she was not imprisoned or hanged, but put put on house arrest for lif within several walls with small gap for giving food only. She died in her solitary confinement after 4 years in 1614

Vlad Dracula

Gender                -     Male
Place                    -     Romania
Nicknamed as    -     Vlad the Impaler
He was                -     Prince of Wallachia
Known For         -     He was famous for impaling people. He even impaled animals. He used oiled and sharpened stake for impaling. Both the legs of the victim were tied to two different horses and the stake was inserted into the victims’ body from anus and was stopped when it came out of the victims’ mouth. He made sure that the stake was not too sharp so that victim doesn’t soon. The process of insertion was so slow that it lasted for hours or days. He also used other ways of killing like burning, cutting sexual organs, boiling, roasting, decapitating, hanging, stabbing, beheading, dismembering, skinning, poisoning etc. he was so evil that he roasted children and forced their parents to eat them. He hated poor and sick people and often collected poor and sick people in fake parties and burned all of them live. Because of his zombie like mentality, he liked to live, eat and sleep between the scattered dead bodies and body parts with stakes inserted in them.
Death Toll          -     About 100000 people (20 % of the population of Wallachia)
End of Terror     -     He was decapitated in 1476

Thomas de Torquemada

Years Active       -     1483 to 1498
Gender                -     Male
Place                    -     Spain
He was                -     The Grand Inquisitor
Known For         -     He hated Jews and tortured and killed thousands of Jews. His men roasted the feet of the victim, killed by suffocating, forced water though the victim’s throat, skinned from head to waist, killed by putting heavy weights on the victim’s body, burnt alive, tortured through sexual organs, stretched the victim’s body for about a foot or pulled the victim’s arms and legs from their socket. In some other methods of torture, ears, nose and nipples, genitals, tongue of a victim were cut. Children were made to starve and die.
Death Toll          -     30000 people
End of Terror     -     He died a natural death at an old age in 1498

Ivan IV

Years Active      -     1547 to 1584
Gender                -     Male
Place                    -     Russia
Nicknamed as    -     Ivan the Terrible
He was               -     The Grad prince from 1533 to 1547 and the Tsar of Russia from 1547 to 1584
Known For         -     Though he was an intelligent ruler, he suffered from emotional instability, and he became paranoid. Because of this, he suspected everyone around him to be his enemy. He enjoyed torturing, whether it is a human being or animal. He often enjoyed taking animals to the roof of the tall buildings and throwing them to death. He invaded and destroyed several villages and cities. He loved to see people being tortured and executed. In his personal torture chamber, he tortured entire families. He even forced parents to watch the torture and execution of their children. He liked the tortures to be long and few of them even continued for tens of hours. He once killed his one day old wife and even one of his sons. Like all others, he also incorporated various painful methods of torturing and killing.
Death Toll          -     Suspected to be many hundred thousand.
End of Terror     -     Someone poisoned him in 1584

Delphine Lalaurie
Years Active       -     till 1834
Gender                -     Female
Place                    -     New Orleans
She was               -     An extremely rich socialite in New Orleans
Nicknamed as    -     The Socialite from Hell
Known For         -     She kept dozens of slaves captive in her house and carried various medical experiments on their bodies. One of her female victims was made to appear like caterpillar by cutting her limbs. Limbs of another woman were rearranged to appear like a crab. Most of her victims were found alive but in too bad condition.
Death Toll          -     Unknown
End of Terror     -     She Fled and was never caught

Ilse Koch

Years Active       -     1937 to 1945
Gender                -     Female
Place                    -     Germany
Nicknamed as    -     The Witch of Buchenwald
She was               -     The wife of a high ranking Nazi commander and herself the commander of the concentration camps of Buchenwald
Known For         -     Because of her powerful husband, she thought that the lives of other people are worthless. She was fond of torturing and killing slaves in her concentration camp without any reason. She also skinned the dead bodies of the slaves and used their skin to decorate her house. Like many other Nazi butchers, she was also cruel and sadist. She used her camp as her private property and killed a large number of slaves within the fences.
Death Toll           -     Thousands of Jews
End of Terror      -     She was arrested for war crimes in 1945 and sentenced to life imprisonment, where she committed suicide in her cell after spending 20 years in 1967

Irma Grese

Years Active       -     till 1945
Gender                -     Female
Place                    -     Germany
Nicknamed as    -     The bitch of Belsen, The beautiful Beast
She was               -     The warden of the women section of Belsen, at the Nazi concentration camp of Ravensbruck and Auschwitz
Known For         -     She like to torture for fun and she tortured and killed a large number of victims for no reason. She also liked to emotionally and mentally torture her victims. She sent a large number of people to gas chamber and often set dogs at the prisoners.
Death Toll          -     Thousands
End of Terror     -     She was captured in 1945 after the end of war and was executed at the age of 22

Talat Pasha

Gender                -     Male
Place                    -     Ottoman
He was               -     The Grand Vizier of the Sultan of Ottoman
Known For         -     He decided to kill all Americans from his country. He destroyed the lives of millions of Americans. He forced people to rape their family members, robbed them, cut their sexual organs and killed them. Every American was dragged to concentration camps and their assets were robbed.
Death Toll          -     1.5 million people
End of Terror     -     He was killed by an American Assassination squad in 1921

Adolf Eichmann

Gender                -     Male
Place                    -     Germany
He was                -     He was the in charge of capturing Jews and forcing them to the concentration camps
Known For         -     He was the organizer of mass murder of lacks of Jews and felt enormous proud in this. He even said once that he would kill his fater if he was ordered to do so.
Death Toll          -     5 million
End of Terror     -     He was captured in 1960 by Israeli Security and hanged for his crimes

Adolf Hitler
Years Active          -     1933 to 1945
Gender                -     Male
Place                    -     Germany
He was                -     The Chancellor of Germany
Known For         -     He was a mentally ill person who destroyed Germany and a large population of the world during his time. He thought that Jews are the biggest problems for Germany. He started various concentration camps especially for killing and torturing Jews. He also had a breeding program in which, if newborn children were not according to the standards of the program, they were killed. Various ways of torturing and killing were used in his camps, like gas chambers, fire squads, lethal injections, crematories, starvation, medical experiments, poison, force labor, etc. his actions killed 90% of the Jews of Poland
Death Toll          -     50 million
End of Terror     -     After he was defeated, he killed himself with a gun and cynide

Joseph Stalin

Years Active       -     1922 to 1953
Gender                -     Male
Place                    -     Soviet Union
He was               -     The General Secretary of Communist Party of the Soviet Union’s Central Committee
Known For         -     The Administrative decisions taken by him caused the death of tens of millions of people. In her young age, he was a bank robber and an assassin. He refused to save his own son from Nazi concentration camp. He hated everyone who was popular and ordered them to be tortured and killed. He even killed the family members and admirers of the popular person. He forced a lot of people to fight in World War II. His wife committed suicide because of his harsh behavior. He also killed everyone who disliked him, disagree with him or voted against him. He had his own Final Solution to kill Jews. He ordered to kill, rape, torture the people of other countries who lived in his rule.
Death Toll          -     20 million to 60 million
End of Terror     -     He Died because of a Stroke in 1953

Josef Mengele
Gender                -     Male
Place                    -     Germany
Nicknamed as    -     The Angel of Death
He was                -     A physician in the concentration camp Auschwitz
Known For         -     He was a mad doctor who performed many of the cruelest medical experiments on the prisoners. He was obsessed with twins hence he carried out most of his experiments on twins. There were about 3000 twins in the camp, out of which only 7% survived. He poured chemicals into the eyes of the twins to see if the color changes, sewed them together to create joined twins, performed forced sex change on them. He sometimes skinned a small part of the victim’s body and then applied salt and sugar on the wound to enhance the pain and then tried various medicines on them to find, which one suppresses the pain fast. For these types of experiments, he sometimes used hammers too. He also tortured children until they died to see how long they can survive the pain. Sometimes, he wounded the victims and left it open to create septic and then tested his medicines. He even forced many people to kill their own children to make them mentally ill and depressed. After this, he tested antidepressants and other medicines. He also sent about 400000 people to gas chamber.
Death Toll          -     about 500000 people
End of Terror     -     after the war was over in 1945, he escaped to South Africa and died from a stroke in 1985

Emperor Hirohito

Years Active       -     1926 to 1989
Gender                -     Male
Place                    -     Japan
He was               -     The Emperor of Japan
Known For         -     He started various wars because of which, lives of the millions of people were affected. He ordered his brutal army to kill each and every Chinese war prisoner. He was a war hungry person whose army killed Chinese, Indonesian, Indochinese, Filipinos Vietnamese and Korean people in vast numbers. Millions of people were forced to slavery, people were forced to rape family members, tortured, and some were even eaten. Several times, the sexual organs of men and women were torn wide and left open. He and his men said that the lives of other people were valueless hence they enjoy killing
Death Toll          -     millions of people were killed because of his actions
End of Terror     -     He died in 1989 because of cancer

Heinrich Himmler

Years Active       -     Till 1945
Gender                -     Male
Place                    -     Germany
He was                -     The Head of the SS and the Second most powerful Nazi
Known For         -     He planned the Final solution and completely supported Hitler in implementing it. He too like Hitler was fond of killing everyone whom he thought to be his enemy. He wished to kill and torture 200 million Russians in battlefield. He liked to use the skin and bones of his Jewish victims for making furniture, book covers and other decorative items. He even kept many such things in his home.
Death Toll          -     6 to 7 million people
End of Terror     -     He committed suicide in 1945 by eating poison

Mao Zedong

Years Active       -     1943 to 1976
Gender                -     Male
Place                    -     China
He was               -     The Dictator of China
Known For         -     Though his motive was a good one to make his country China a superpower, his enthusiasm killed millions of people. He thought that people should work like machines. Anyone who showed a little bit of laziness, went late to work, refused to work or did any mistake was tortured or sent to prison for several years or even killed sometimes. A lot of people committed suicide because of his fear. People were ordered to work continuously till they dropped. If someone opposed his revolution or criticized his ways even in private, he could be executed. If someone failed to do his work, he was tortured badly. Because of his revolution, people suffered from economic disasters, died of diseases, torture, starvation and a large number of people committed suicide.
Death Toll          -     about 70 million people
End of Terror     -     He died in 1976 because of nervous system disease

Kim IL Sung

Years Active       -     1972 to 1994
Gender                -     Male
Place                    -     North Korea
He was               -     The Dictator of North Korea
Known For         -     He killed all his rivals and exiled or executed 90% of his officers who fought in Korean War started by him. He fooled Korean people into idolizing him. He ordered people to be punished in the concentration camps even if his picture was dropped by them by mistake. If someone was convicted of a crime, then his children and grandchildren were also killed. Sometimes people were made to sit kneeling in a small box motionless till death. Lacks of people were killed in the Korean War. About similar number of people were killed in concentration camp and in firing squads. He forced everyone whom he hated into concentration camps.
Death Toll          -     about 10% of the total population of North Korea at that time
End of Terror     -     He died of a heart attack in 1994

Idi Amin

Years Active      -     1971 to 1979
Gender               -     Male
Place                   -     Uganda
He was               -     The dictator of Uganda
Known For        -     He was one of the most ruthless dictators in the history. He ate human flush and drank blood and was proud of this. He ordered to kill everyone who was not Ugandan citizen. He fed thousands of people (mostly children) to crocodiles. He showed tortures and killings on Television to terrorize people. Sometimes he forced people to cut and eat their own flesh until they died. He liked to keep the pictures of the tortured and killed victims. He ordered many people to be buried alive. During his time, thousands of people died of disease and starvation.
Death Toll          -     300000 to 500000
End of Terror     -     He was overthrown and exiled in 1979 and lived rest of his life peacefully in Saudi Arabia until his death in 2003

Pol Pot

Years Active       -     1976 to 1979
Gender                -     Male
Place                    -     Cambodia
He was                -     The Prime Minister of Cambodia
Known For         -     He forced lacks of people to become slaves and also forced thousands of youngsters to become soldiers. He created killing fields where his men killed thousands of people and buried them in earth. He hated Vietnamese so much that he forced common men to fight with them. If someone even looked or spoke like Vietnamese, he was also killed. Only in three years of his power, he killed about one third of the total population of Cambodia. He adopted strange methods of killing people like taking their right to eat of making them to work till they died. He ordered to kill by using pointed bamboos, hammers, knives in order to save ammunitions. He ordered newborn babies to be torn, made his prisoners to death, ordered the victims to be beaten with hammer or axe handles to death, forced youngsters to kill so that they start liking to kill. These youngsters were then admitted to his army. He recorded the details and pictures of the people he executed and liked to keep the skulls of his victims.
Death Toll          -     about 3 million
End of Terror     -     He died a natural death in 1998


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