Microorganisms that grow in impossible conditions


Microorganisms that prefer to grow in those conditions where life is impractical are called extremophiles.

No doubt, our earth is full of diversity in both flora and fauna, but in earlier times, it was considered silly to expect that any organism could flourish in so tough conditions, but fact is fact and it is true that there are organisms that are able to live at-
  1. Extremely high temperature (Thermophile or Hyperthermophile)
  2. High pressure (Piezophile)
  3. Highly acidic atmosphere (Acidophile)
  4. Highly basic atmosphere(Alkaliphile)
  5. High concentration of heavy metal in the solution (Metallotolrant)
  6. Can resist high levels of ionizing radiations (Radioresistant)
  7. Remain alive from extremely long times under the rocks at low temperature (Cryophile or Polycryophile)
  8. High concentrations of salt (halophile)
  9. High concentrations of sugar (Osmophile)
  10. Polyextremophile, which are capable of growing in various extremophile conditions
  11. Thermoacidophile who can live at high extreme temperature and high acidity
  12. Grow in oxygen less atmosphere (anaerobe)
  13. Lithoautotroph, which live on the carbon extracted from CO2 and exergonic inorganic oxidation
  14. Nutrition less atmosphere (Oligotroph)
  15. Extremely dry conditions (Xerophile)

These facts show that it is not surprising to find some type of microorganism at a place where everything dies. 


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