Ceramic House, Colombia

 Ceramic House, Colombia

This is a Ceramic house designed and built by Octavio Mendoza in Colombia. The house looks comical in shape and is very strong. It is built in the same way as a brick or mud utensils are made, by first moulding a desired shape out of mud, allowing it to drain in sunlight for proper time and finally backing it in intense heat. The houses built in this style has a very special feature that it has pores inside its walls which occur when water is evaporated on heating and space is left voided in the forms of pores that acts as thin capillaries. Due to this the house cools automatically in summers and is earthquake proof, being made of a single brick. The only drawback is that it is difficult to build if levels are required and repair and renovations weakens the house. Also there are various chances of errors since larger voids can cause a poor quality house.


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