How to Focus

 Evolve to be better

Most living organisms on earth are either too bigger in size or are too much hardworking or may live too longer lives against humans. Some of them have got so advanced senses that sometimes our machines fail to attain that much of capability. Some can run or fly or swim even faster than most of our average cars. We as humans are actually fragile with body and most organisms, weather aquatic or terrestrial animals, micro bacteria or macro insects, reptiles or mammals or amphibians, carnivorous or herbivorous; all can easily kill an average human being without much effort. Still humans are called the most dangerous animals on earth. The reason is that though we don’t have much muscle power and we don’t have the sharp teeth and nails to kill, but we have got the intelligence, memory, precision and control.

We as humans do a lot of things and have a lot of things to worry about. We always have a pressure to compete with others and attain better positions in life and do great things. An average human being is easily capable of doing small and less complicated jobs at a medium speed. If we consider an example of driving a car, almost all people with an average or above average intelligence can drive it easily with few days of training, but if a person is intended to be better at this and try becoming a car racer, he/she has to gain better control and precision than most of the people around us. If he masters, he easily slips into the car racer category and his social and economic strata is changed. Well, this was only an example, and the same thing happens in all the fields of works in human life. Remember, a large number of people do each work in this world, but only a little of them are at the top, because they do it better, faster and more precisely than all the other people in the world.

So the question is how to start doing things in a better, faster and more precise way. The answer is easy but is hard to apply and also takes time (I am still trying). Start paying more attention to the task you have taken and reduce your errors as much as possible. This will eventually improve your precision and speed. Now the only thing that matters is the resources you choose. So start looking for the simple and better resources. It will improve the quality of your work. Always remember that quantity and quality are two different things. And the whole thing lies in, how you unite them without compromising with any of the two. The entire above boring lecture implies that only two things matter, what you choose and how you choose. Since the first one can’t be told, I would emphasize on how you choose or how you make decisions.
To make better decisions, we need to be fully aware of the task we are dealing with. For this purpose, we should be able to focus better and think clearly. So at first should start thinking clearly so that focusing on the problem becomes easy.

To think clearly, your mind should be at peace. For that kick all your tensions, anger, pain, funny joke, unfulfilled wishes, sexual desires, laziness, spouse, latest crush or your x. Always be ready to come out of your comfort zone. If you love a nice song, and it is stuck in your mind and you have a habit to repeat it again and again inside your brain then switch this habit off immediately, no matter how much you love doing so. I am focusing so much at music because music is actually a magical thing. It can make you remember even the tiny things for whole life. It is good in every case but here we intend to clear our mind of every thought and music is the toughest to clear. Put everything at the second place and just be calm for one second. Don’t even think about the problem, it only gives headache.

Finding it difficult to clear? Don’t worry you don’t need to hold it, start focusing on the task you are confined to, instantly when you are away from all other thoughts.

Now, if you have done this, you must have felt the real joy of working. The most difficult thing is not to do this but to maintain the same type of concentration for a long time. Concentration bounces back from time to time and the thoughts we try to abandon, seems to have stuck in mind. Don’t try to run away from them just don’t try anything; start thinking about your work, all other things would vanish on their own.

This much is enough to improve your E.Q. you are a strong person now. Maybe you should try to improve your reach by improving your I.Q. some believe that I.Q. Can’t be improved, but it is not true. There are few simple steps which you may try. But everyone can develop their own way.

1.     Step Back

I would start with a story I witnessed, once, I saw a bee trying to escape out of my window. The window was half open and the portion covered with glass was only two and a half feet wide. Rest of the portion was open. The bee was trying to go out from the covered portion again and again and always failed since it didn’t have any idea of the glass barrier and it didn’t try any other way even. At last, it went back inside the room to find some another outlet. This time when it came back to the same window, it was on the open side and went out instantly. This made me think that every failure that occurs is not because we are incapable; it may be because we are unaware of the barriers in our path. So I decided that every time when I would fail in something, I would try to relax and move a little backward to see the problem in a wider angle, and again try to solve it.

2.    Recall

Everyone can remember the things with almost the same capacity but you must have experienced this that you know that you remember a thing but can’t recall it at the moment. At that time you must have thought what the use of such useless memory is. This is true; it is useless to know something if you can’t apply the knowledge at the right place. An intelligent person is the one who can recall the things immediately, when required. You can improve your recalling capacity by trying to remember different things in the free time. Try very hard to recall the answer on your own before referring a book or internet.

3.   Review

When viewing a case, never ever leave any possibility unviewed. Always try to think out of the box.

4.    Imagine

Intelligent people are of two types, first and the most common ones are those who can do the above tasks easily and fit in the system appropriately. These people are nice decision makers, have the best choice and they only run the world. But to create a new thing or discover the concealed theory you need to simulate the conditions which are either not available in reality or are hidden and unseen. For this your imagination power must bust be too detailed and elaborate. A better dreamer is always a better inventor or discoverer. It is a saying that you should never stop imagining for the sake of survival and evolution. And the world is dead without the imagination.

Credits: Image Source- Google Images


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